Holistic Therapies

Welcome to Canterbury's Holistic Therapy Works

Tags: Breathwork Yoga Retreats Reiki Treatments
  • Breathwork
    (Group Breathwork) This was a truely lovely session. I really enjoyed it and can't wait to do more!
  • Abhyanga
    Angela took great care from the outset. Not only was the environment welcoming and warm but also Angelas warmth put me at ease immediately. I hadn't long had my 2nd baby and was in need of a massage, as I had not slept well and was feeling tense all over. After the consultation, Angela talked me through the type of massage she thought would suit me and I agreed. The massage was heavenly, such care was taken that I felt totally at ease and completely relaxed and possible slept, I only hope I didnt dribble!!! The music was soothing and I can honestly say I didnt want to move off the couch and the hour massage just wasnt long enough, next time I will book as long a massage as I can!!       Thank you Angela.
    Sarah Richardson
  • Reiki
    “I contacted Angela, after seeking reiki for a recurring tumour, I came along with an open mind having tried conventional Western Treatments without favourable outcomes.
    Angela works in an intuitive, holistic way, treating you with unconditional love and respect.
    From the first Session I truly experienced a profound impact upon me, the healing I have felt manifest within me has empowered myself to make considerable spiritual movements in my life.
    An awakening … . Blessings Angela
    Roger Hogarth
  • Yoga 1-1 / Private
    "...They (yoga lessons) proved a true tonic & played an integral part in helping me let go of much stress. Her gentle, encouraging manner soothed me into a world of releasing tension & building physical strength and flexibility.
    This she compliments with many 'words of wisdom' on how to cope with the challenges on modern life... & useful pointers to take away with you.
    I have no hesitation in recommending them to those taking their first steps into yoga and those with a little experience under their belt alike.
    They are at the same time wonderfully relaxing and invigorating..the perfect balance of mind and body and all from an excellent teacher and communicator!

    Lynne Armitage
  • Warm Oil Packs
    ~...I’ve also had the warm oil packs and massage. This is a beautiful, warming and relaxing treatment and especially lovely in the winter months. Angela is a very warm, kind and professional holistic therapist and she brings all of this and her vast knowledge to the treatment. I’ve had a lot of massages over the years and Angela is by far the best.
    Pauline Buckley
  • Ayurvedic Consultation
    "I was introduced to Angela on a retreat day. I made an appointment initially for an ayurvedic consultation, it was amazing. I was blown away by her knowledge and sensitivity. Not only are the treatments she offers very therapeutic for the literal body, but there is something about what she does that works on a deeply emotional level. OK, I'm a closet hippie but I'm also a cynic which means its pretty difficult to accept some of the more untangible aspects of holistic treatments, with Angela I believe and trust."
    Rosaleen Manklow
  • Holistic Body Massage
    My treatments with Angela have been profound. They are always nurturing and healing on so many different levels. I leave feeling relaxed, with clearer insights and empowered. Thank you."
    Natasha Calia
  • Herbal Compress
    This hot oil herb compress massage treatment is a revelation to me. It seems to be reaching deep tissue without the need for high pressure, sometimes painful standard massage technique. Angela has an amazing skill and is a highly professional, intuitive therapist and I would highly recommend her and the Pinda Sweda treatment to anyone.  
    Caroline Bayman