Ancient technique. Modern research.
Breathwork is for anyone who is open to positive change.
Ready to do some inner work? Then this could be for you.
In a dedicated breathwork session we use a Conscious Connected Breath technique for a sustained period of time. This altars physiological states, giving access to stored or bound energy, insight and subsequent transformation.
Breathwork creates a deep and often profound therapeutic session. I facilitate your safe journey to uncover and integrate that which holds you back from life.
During Initial sessions you will learn techniques to establish a felt sense of safety and control over your inner journey at all times. These skills are invaluable in life thereafter.
I can support you to use your breath in a way you may not have realised was possible. To access the points within you that hold the potential for profound and lasting change. Breathwork heals.
Before we work together lets have a chat to make sure we're a good match. There are some contra-indications and a couple of forms to complete 0797 090 8850
1 to 1 Sessions
Stand Alone sessions 2hrs £95
3 x session course -
great for newbies
1st 2/3hrs £125
2nd 2hrs £95
3rd 2hrs £95
Or £295 pre-paid
10 x session course
- deep dive £895
Group Sessions
2024 7.30 - 9.30pm
June 7th. July12th
Sept 28th. Nov 9th
Please note: Previous experience with Conscious Connected Breathwork is required.
I run regular Breathwork for beginners days. See over
Breathwork Beginners Day
Learn the skills you need to safely deep dive, via Conscious Connected breathing, into your deepest knowing and return with wisdom and grace.
Integrate the skills of self regulation and resourcing. Experience your felt sense and it's effects.
£125 all inc Food. Treatment. Yoga. Breathwork 9.30 - 5.30
2024 - 29th June , 21st September
2nd November
Why Breathwork?
Helps process overwhelm.
Integrates trauma and shock
Realigns with life purpose.
Heals emotional pain
Deepens spiritual practices.
Helps to realise potential
Improves resilience.
Develops personal insight
Gives access to deep meditative states
Increases awareness of unconscious patterns